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Paris RER-B Breakdowns

Data Visualization Practice


Breakdown Calendar

The breakdown calendar shows the amount of RER-B breakdowns that happened every day from Nov. 2012 until Nov.2019. It is aiming to show the breakdowns' number distribution related to time and try to find some pattern according to the timeline.‍

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Breakdown Types Overview

This bubble chart categorizes 30 different breakdown types into 8 parent types. It aims to demonstrate the distribution of breakdowns related to various reasons.

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Breakdown Types by Month

This stacked radar chart shows the distribution of breakdowns of different types. In order to figure out a general pattern, the 8 parent types are used here for the analysis rather than using 30 child types. This chart is aiming to compare the number of different breakdown types according to different time scope.

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Breakdown Numbers Year by Year

This heat map compares breakdown numbers by years in granular of the week. It is trying to find some pattern of periods when breakdowns happen most frequently every year.

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Breakdown Peak Hours

This heatmap demonstrates the peak hours of breakdowns on each weekday. It is aiming to find out some pattern of peak hours when breakdowns happen most frequently.

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